Category: Uncategorized

  • Creating a Summer Schedule: Balancing Fun and Routine

    Summer break is a time of excitement and relaxation for kids, but it can also be a challenging period for parents trying to keep everything under control. While it’s essential to let kids enjoy their time off from school, maintaining a balance between fun and routine is key to a harmonious summer. Here’s how to…

  • Surviving Parental Burnout with a Smile (or at Least a Smirk)

    Parental burnout. The phrase alone makes you want to dive into a pillow and not come out until your kids are in college. Fear not, brave parent! We’re here to tackle this beast with humor and a sprinkle of sanity. So, put down the baby monitor, grab a coffee (or wine, no judgment here), and…

  • 5 Ways To Say “No” To Your Kids

    5 Ways To Say “No” To Your Kids

    As parents, we strive to create a loving and nurturing environment for our children while instilling important values and boundaries. However, saying “no” to our kids can be challenging, often leading to tantrums and power struggles. But fear not! In this blog post, we’ll explore the five best ways to say no to your kids,…

  • Quick tips on dealing with difficult kids

    Quick tips on dealing with difficult kids

    It is often said that children are a blessing. They bring joy and hope into our lives, and remind us of what is truly important. But let’s face it: parenting is hard work. Children can be challenging, and sometimes it feels like they are doing everything they can to test our patience. If you are…

  • 5 Must Haves for a Home Office

    5 Must Haves for a Home Office

    In today’s rapidly evolving work landscape, the concept of a traditional office space has undergone a significant transformation. With remote work becoming more prevalent, the home office has become a crucial hub for productivity, innovation, and success. Designing a home office that not only fosters concentration but also promotes comfort is essential. In this article,…

  • Parents, Stop Trying to Juggle It All

    Parents, Stop Trying to Juggle It All

    Parenting 101 should be a required class before you can take a baby home form the hospital. It’s certainly not a course offered at any school I’ve ever attended. Thankfully the initial months are fairly simple; keep the kid alive, fed, clean, well-rested and out of harm’s way. But the role gets more complicated as…